Our Firm

Estate Planning

The primary goal of estate planning is for you to maintain control over what you have in the event of your incapacity, and upon your death to give what you have to whom you want, when you want, the way you want, and to do so with minimal costs, taxes, and delays.

Charitable Planning

Make plans to give while you are alive but also to ensure donations from your estate continue to support the causes your hold valuable once you have passed.

Trust and Probate Estate Administration

Let us assist with understanding the differences between Trust and Probates so that your estate can be handled appropriately.

Business Structuring

Do you have questions or concerns about how to structure your business to protect yourself personally as well as your business? Let us help answer these important questions with you and set your business up for success. Whether you are just starting out or you are ready to make some changes, we can meet your needs.

Business Tax Planning

Your business structure can play a large role in your tax planning for your business. We can assist to ensure you are prepared and have the knowledge you need to get started or keep your business running smoothly.

Business Succession Planning

An exit strategy for your business is a critical decision that can take a lot of planning to achieve. Let us help you prepare a strategy that guarantees the work you have done takes the best route to move forward and keep your business where you want it to be.